BBC’s Religion and Ethics Review

This week the BBC published its Religion and Ethics Review which promises to increase the breadth of religious views covered by them. Obviously this is welcome. As part of the review the BBC consulted 150 “stakeholders” whose names are in the report. While I obviously don’t know of all the people listed it stuck me that there was no one that I recognised who holds Pagan or Druid views. I have written to the DG of the BBC to find out (letter below). It would be great if others would do the same! His email address is

A happy Alban Arthan and Winter Solstice to everyone!

My email to the DG:

Dear Mr Hall,

Thank you for publishing your Religion and Ethics Review.

I am keen to know whether Druid or Pagan stakeholders were consulted as part of the review especially as Pagans make up around 0.2% of the population who hold religious views according to the 2011 census and as I was unable to identify any Pagan leader in the list of names in the report. While 0.2% may seem a small proportion, Buddhists and Jews are both only around 3 times this figure with 0.65% and 0.69% respectively yet they were clearly prominent in your review.

If no Pagan voices were heard as part of your review I would be keen to know whether you would be prepared to rectify this.

On a related note I have emailed your religion and ethics department a number of times this year and have yet to receive a reply to any of my emails (other than the auto reply saying that I should expect a reply in 28 days). You can imagine that I am feeling ignored!

Blessed be

Stuart etc.

One thought on “BBC’s Religion and Ethics Review

  1. Pingback: Petitioning the BBC – A Druid Voice

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